Advertising rental property must have cost you time, effort, and of course, skyrocketed costs. From gaining attention to catering to budgets, property owners must appeal to the guest’s eyes to elevate the chances of getting booked in a blink! While thinking about showcasing your property to the world, what are the things that you keep in mind? Enhancing the looks, lowering the rent, advertising on social media platforms, secured listing, good tenants, offering comfort are some necessary things to consider but are they sufficient? Honestly no! They aren’t!  

But, before jumping to how you can list your property, let us make a list of your possible expectations alongside what your potential guests aspire to while booking.

It is crucial that your guests’ goals are in line with what you have to give!

Your expectations:

  • Advertise or list your property on a secured platform
  • Do not fall prey to hidden charges or commissions
  • Rent your property for the best price
  • Get the tenant assessed for making contracts future-proof
  • Easiest property listing

Tenant’s Expectations:

  • Budget-friendly rent
  • Find the most feasible location
  • Safe, hygienic, and beautiful property
  • Access to full-fledged amenities.
  • Easiest property booking without any extra hidden charges

Keeping all property listing and booking imperatives in mind, THEVAKAY offers the most mindful solutions that can bring the property owners and tenants to the same page.

We understand how tedious it can be to browse the internet and rely on various search engine results to locate the best site for property rental that is real and trusted.  Listing your property on the right site without having to pay a huge cost is a big deal!

Points to remember before renting your property

Renting your property comes with a lot of challenges. But, that should not restrict you from making your place among your competitors.

  • TheVakay allows you time, mental peace and support in deciding the rent according to the geographical location, property area, with other factors taken into account.
  • Advertise your property freely through images and videos by communicating directly with your potential guests. We do not keep you behind the veil and believe in transparency. You can carry out all property-related discussions and negotiations and get paid by your guests directly.
  • Having committed about security, we make sure the rent agreement is prepared with all details deemed essential for both parties pertaining to tenant’s deposits, term of rent, rental amount, permanent address and everything else that is required for verification.

How to rent your property?

In a world of hassles and hustles, why don’t you opt for a mindful, easy, and safe property listing solution that keeps your mental sanity intact?

  1. No Hidden Costs: When you list your property with TheVakay, you are not accountable to pay any hidden charges.

Yes, you heard us right!

Now, list the rental property for free!

  • Genuine Residents: Not only this, we find you quality residents through a thorough screening process to further prevent room for risks in the future.
  • The Price You Deserve: By walking you through the process, we take responsibility to keep you ahead of others. Moreover, we assist you by grabbing the difficult part of wooing your guests or putting forward prices justifying your properties.

We exhibit your beautiful properties to vacationers wishing to rent condos, cabins, lakes, and beach houses in hip cities and charming villages without compromising on the comfort, amenities, space, and privacy.

  • Steps to list your property:

Choose The Plan That’s Right:

You have a number of choices!  A one-time annual fee is charged for the Silver, Gold, and Platinum Membership plans. With the Free Plan, you can avail of a pay-per-booking option. You only pay when you book.

Easy-To-Use Dashboard:

Setting up your listing is effortless using our user-friendly dashboard.

  • Numerous Property Listings:
  • Irrespective of the number of properties you want to list for rent, TheVakay has astounding ideas to support your plans. Do you know how?
  • You can make listings with photos, descriptions and rates or YouTube videos by flaunting what you have for your guests.
  • Guests request bookings directly with you for clarity and transparency.
  • You can sync your calendar with other popular vacation rental websites through iCal syncing.

How does it sound so far?

Hold on!

The best is yet to come!

Why should you choose TheVakay for your property listing?

Deciding where to list your property must be tough after browsing through multiple sources.

If you are still weighing the pros and cons, then count on us. To make things easier for you, we will take you through the plan that TheVakay has exclusively curated for your secured listing.

We, at TheVakay, ascertain that more of your money stays with you. For this, we offer you:

  1. Free Option to List Your Property
  2. Unlimited Property Listing Options
  3. Ability to Sync Your Bookings Calendar
  4. Damage Protection Plan

Why don’t you grab the chance to get your property featured by picking any of the extravagant plans that TheVakay has in store, just for you?

Ace the property rental task of getting maximum bookings by enticing potential guests with proper security and transparency. Acquire bang for your buck with us!